Four factions are fighting for their own cause and struggling for domination over the land, Confrontation Multi 9 Propher game is set in the fantastic and original universe of Confrontation,the
brutal Orcs of the Tree-Spirit, The ferocious Wolfen packs, the
fearsome Griffon warriors or the terrifying creatures of the Scorpion are fighting are you in ?
لعبة رائعة جدا عن ممالك من الاوركس والجريفونز و العقارب وغيرها من المخلوقات الخيالية تتحارب من اجل الارض
هل انت معهم في تلك الحرب ؟
Confrontation MULTi9-PROPHETD
Real-Time Strategy Game
PC , 2012 , 2.05 GB